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Existing Currencies● USD ● MYR
Deposits and Withdrawals● Use the USDT deposit channel to acquire USD credits and support the use of USDT to convert credits to virtual currency platforms.
Exchange Services● The exchange function allows you to convert MYR to USD or USD to MYR without paying any service fees.
Exchange Rate Updates● Real-time exchange rates are adopted, subject to change at any time.
Transfer Support● USD to USD ● MYR to MYR
Are MYR and USD credits shared for chips?● No, they are not shared.
Can chips be used for exchanges?● Exchange via chips is not supported.
How is the wagering requirement calculated when betting with USD?● The wagering requirement is calculated based on the amount of USD wagered.
Can USD credits be used for MYR games?● No, it is not supported.
Can MYR credits be used for USD games?● No, it is not supported.
Disclaimer● To ensure the security of deposits and transactions, WINBOX reserves the right to change exchange rates according to fluctuations. ● The company has the right to freeze or confiscate irregular transactions, including fraud, cheating, or violations of game rules.
现有货币● USD ● MYR
存款和提款● 使⽤USDT充值渠道以获取USD分数,并支持使用USDT洗分到虚拟货币平台
兑换服务● 通过兑换功能可将MYR转换为USD或将USD转换为MYR⽆需⽀付任何服务费
汇率更新● 采用实时汇率,随时更换汇率
转账⽀持● USD ⾄ USD ● MYR ⾄ MYR
MYR和USD的礼码是否共用● 不是
可以使⽤礼码进⾏兑换吗● 不⽀持
通过USD进⾏押注 打码量如何计算● 打码量一样按照押注的USD金额进行计算
能否使用USD分数进入MYR游戏● 不⽀持
能否使用MYR分数进入USD游戏● 不⽀持
免责声明● 为保护存款和交易安全 WINBOX公司可能会根据汇率波动随时更改汇率 ● 本公司有权冻结或充公不正规交易,包括欺诈,作弊或违反游戏规则
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