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Scan your unique QR code

Your connection is your money! You just need to invite new players to scan your QR code and register as a user, and you will become the referrer of that user.

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Referrer not only enjoy rebate during the game, but also earn the commission rewards of their downline players. The more players you invite, the more commissions you can earn.

Commission rate reference


According to different games, commission rate is also different, the commission rate can be seen in the chart below:

(The game will launch event of special rebates and commissions from time to time)

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Commission settlement




Downline players' turnover in Lion King = RM100,000.00

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RM100,000.00 x 0.3%RM300.00


Then your commission will be RM300.00

The rebate commission will be automatically settled into your account before 4:00 PM (UTC+8:00) every day.

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